> Owned By > Ear Tag A095 > Pedigree Chart

Pedigree Chart for HSY Matthew
HSY Matthew
THY Yoda
SBR Margo
SBR Chewbacca
GHF Queen Allante
FW Escalade
SBR N061 (Nellie)
SBR Dreadlock
SBR H064
FW Prince Allante
T D029
SBR Dreadlock
SBR H091
T Bill The Bull
LDR Wooly Bully
FW Prince Allante
THR Tin Horn Nilena
Sire not available
Dam not available
Sire not available
Dam not available
GHF Queen Allante
T Bill The Bull
T Toronto Old #9
T Bill The Bull
LDR Wooly Bully
Sire not available
Dam not available